May 17, 2019
Block Malware With Cloudflare's New DNS Options Cloudflare has launched a new version of its free DNS (Domain Name System) service called Cloudflare for Families that blocks adult content and malware before your browser ever has a chance to load it. It’s one more tool in your security stash that’s worth considering if you want to blockerDNS - Block Ads and Online Trackers at the DNS Block ads and online trackers at the DNS level so you don't have to install anything! Great for Android, Chrome, Firefox, Windows or any other system!
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9 DNS Best Practices for Security and Performance Nov 11, 2019 Learn how easy is to bypass firewalls using DNS tunneling Checklist before you start — What you need: A domain that you can configure. Godaddy allows this … Block Ads With Your Router by Using Ad-blocking DNS Ad blocking extensions are great for individual browsers but leave out other devices and applications. Set up a router-level DNS filter to block ads for every device on your home network. By setting your router to block ads you can enjoy ad free browsing on: Hulu ; In-app mobile games and apps ; …